
Departments / Gastroenterology

Gastroenterology not only examines the normal function of the digestive tract (oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestines, rectum, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts and liver) and the need for treatment for the respective disease, but also aims to implement preventive measures to maintain healthy digestion and metabolism, allowing the proper absorption of nutrients and prevention of diseases.

A visit to a gastroenterologist for a primary examination is the first and most important step. You should answer questions about your symptomatology, health status and previous illnesses. Depending on your condition, our gastroenterologist may prescribe blood tests and gastrointestinal tests and will assess the need to perform additional tests such as: fibrogastroscopy, fibrocolonoscopy, etc., with subsequent therapeutic measures.

Examinations by a gastroenterologist are highly recommended for people over 50 years of age when the likelihood of colon cancer increases. A colonoscopy is usually prescribed every 10 years, allowing early diagnosis of the disease and timely treatment.

The office is equipped with a next generation ultrasound device.