
Departments / Mammology

In the mammology office, prophylactic and diagnostic examinations are performed on women of any age group. They are the most effective way to prevent breast cancer and other diseases of the mammary glands. The mammologist is a certified doctor with extensive scientific and practical experience in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of breast diseases.

All women over 20 years of age must have a relevant health literacy and be trained in the principles of self-examination. Clinical examination is a basic diagnostic method and should be performed at least once a year, and for patients with high risk it is recommended every  6 to12 months in addition to other imaging methods.

The examination in the mammology office begins with a discussion of risk factors, existing complaints, the timing of their occurrence and possible association with events: trauma to the breast, gynaecological disorders, medication intake, previous diseases and breast surgeries. It is desirable to show the results of previous examinations and diagnostics. The more information the doctor receives, the more accurate the diagnosis will be.

After the clinical examination, the mammologist will perform an ultrasound examination. In the age group up to 40 years, ultrasound is the first method of examination.

Preventica is the only medical centre in Bulgaria that has unique breast cancer screening equipment with a reliability of up to 99%! Invenia ABUS (Automated Breast Ultrasound System) is an apparatus with 3D ultrasound technology that can detect cancer where mammography cannot.

What diseases does the mammologist diagnose?

  • Mastopathy
  • Gynaecomastia
  • Benign and malignant tumours
  • Inflammatory diseases accompanied by purulent processes – Mastitis, Abscess, Phlegmon
  • Mastalgia – breast pain caused by hormonal imbalance

The mammologist also monitors pregnant women and women during breastfeeding. The specialist carries out:

  • Prophylactic and diagnostic examinations
  • Screening examinations - helping to detect early breast cancer
  • Diagnoses and treats diseases
  • Performs surgical and minimally invasive methods
  • Gives recommendations, adjusts the patient's diet

It guides the patient to laboratory tests, biopsy and additional imaging methods - ultrasound, mammography, magnetic resonance imaging and others.

How to prepare for a meeting with a mammologist?

Meeting a mammologist doesn't require any special preparation. Personal hygiene is required. It is also recommended to:

  • Bring with you all previous test results
  • Dress comfortably with clothes that are easy to take off
  • It is recommended not to apply lotion, powder or deodorant with a strong aroma on your breasts on the day of the examination
  • Examination by a mammologist should be performed on the 5-12th day of the menstrual cycle